Check your facts Mr. Moore
I don't know who is the bigger idiot, Michael Moore for his despicabe, treasonous and provably untrue attack on a sitting President of the United States or the people who believe him.
Not only are his facts either greatly stretched or blatantly untrue but his logic in his claims in his recent film, Farenheit 9/11, just plain don't work.
Here is one example:
Moore claims in the film that nearly 1.2 billion dollars was paid to a firm, Carlyle corp's BDM contractor, with connections to family and friends of George W. Bush. True. But let's dig just a teeny tiny little deeper into that 'connection' and we find that...
Leave aside the tenuous six-degrees-of-separation nature of this “connection.” The main problem with this figure, according to Carlyle spokesman Chris Ullman, is that former president Bush didn’t join the Carlyle advisory board until April, 1998—five months after Carlyle had already sold BDM to another defense firm.
W's Father wasn't even on the board of the company that received the defense money.
Unbelievable. Moore's logic here is like saying that United Air Lines was involved in the attacks on the World Trade Towers because the terrorists used United Air Lines planes to attack them!
This is only one example. All of his major claims from the film fail miserably under even a tiny bit of actual fact checking and scrutiny.