I'm not one to be a big braggart. Some may dispute that claim. I hope not.
However, my blog post count is nearing 500 and I want to celebrate a bit.
It has been a bumpy ride. I created the blog in September 2001. Right at the time of 9/11. I then didn't post again for almost another 2 full years. However since July 2003 I've been able to post relatively often and regularly. There have been some dry spells and some 'wet' spells with many many posts in rapid fire succession.
What I want to do with my next 10 posts counting up to 500 is to reminisce back on some of my favorite or maybe least favorite posts. A trip down memory lane to finish out 2007 and almost 4 years of blogging.
My first duty is to shout out to the 3 people that inspired me to do this and keep doing it.
1. My little sis who now has a blog at
Fille de Tulipe. Many many years ago before there were really 'blogs' as we now know them my sis was journaling on the web and was part of some journaling 'webrings'. Remember those? So, it has to be said that she was first! Nowadays with our busy lives I sometimes only hear from her or about her life by reading her sporadic blog posts. They are always interesting even if it is simply because we are so different. I enjoy ribbing her by posting smarthy comments to her posts. Thanks Raq.
iPaulo. Paul is a good friend that I know through family connections. He was the first to put up a real blog and for a time he hosted Clariticity. Thanks Paul for your example and your generosity in helping me keep going as a blogger. I have enjoyed Paul's viewpoints and perspective on the world and have seen some films I probably would not have seen if I hadn't followed his recommendations from his blog.
Mr. GuadSpot has probably been my most faithful reader and commenter. He is a family relation by marriage but is more like the brother that I never had. We are a lot alike but are also very different in some of our tastes and perspective on many aspects of life. In an environment of friends and family that is very politically and intellectually charged Mr. Guad and I have been able to help each other through editorial difficulties. Even when my posts are waaaaay over the top with my stubborn opinion Mr. Guad will make every effort to give a well thought out comment on my rants and raves. I thank him most for that and the example he is in my life. I absolutely love to read his posts and if I had more money I would pay him to post every day if he would do it. He has a gift and I wish he would find a way to share it more often, consequences be damned ;)
So, now that this is becoming one of my longest posts in a long time I will end it.
My number 10 most 'memorable' blog post of the last 4 years:
Ode to SalmonThis was a post I actually posted on another blog!
Mr. GuadSpot gave me access to post to his blog several years ago and I have only taken advantage a handful of times. This post was when he was in Alaska on a fishing trip with his Father near Father's Day 2005.