Sunday, December 30, 2007


I'm currently reading a book called, "What's so great about Christianity" by Dinesh D'Souza. HERE is a link to the book on Amazon if you're interested.
Anyway, I am two thirds of the way through and have been enjoying the book. It is very interesting. I may choose to write a review of it when I am finished. Before that though I did want to share a paragraph from the book that I found particularly profound. D'Souza is referencing an idea by Blaise Pascal the 17th century philosopher/mathematician.

"Pascal contends that it is fortunate for man that the highest truths are accessible through faith rather than reason. In other words, faith is available to everyone. If the only way to find out about God was through reason, then smarter people would have the inside track and the less intelligent would be shut out. Getting into heaven would be like getting into Harvard. Apparently God wants to have people other than PhDs in heaven; He seems to have made room for some fishermen and other humble folk. Reason is aristocratic, but faith is democratic."


At 10:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nugget of truth...right there, waiting to be found...hearing this quote was a paradigm shift for me. Isn't God smart?

At 9:57 AM , Blogger Okie said...

Cool. I may have to add that to my pile of books on my "to be read" list.

I probably need to add a few "inspirational" and thought provoking books to my "pop fiction" I've been reading lately. Granted, with another school semester starting soon, my reading list is about to be chosen for me once again.


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