I've been taggedI've never heard of this before, but I'm game. I'm guessing you tag someone's blog and then they have to answer the same questions as the previous tagee. OK, I'll play, I'll be curious to see how many of my fellow blogger friends will play when they get tagged.
Here goes...
Four Jobs I've had
(this really should read 'four jobs that have had me')
1. Foundation crew - arguably the worst job I've ever had. I lasted about 4 weeks. It was working on a cement crew that builds basements and footings for homes. The guys, and I use that term loosely, that I worked with literally took 'pot' breaks during the day where they would smoke and then get right back up on the top of the 10 foot foundations. Yikes. Yep, it was a little scary.
2. Media Services Clerk - I scheduled equipment and media (films etc.) for professors at BYU. I also handled the sale of BYU devotional talk tapes for awhile. This was arguably my best job because it was where I met my wife.
3. Software Tester - Trying to break other peoples creativity or lack thereof. I did it at WordPerfect, Novell, Microsoft, Primus, Adobe and Sterling Wentworth/Sungard. Not sure how I ended up doing this job but it lasted 14 years. Shoulda woulda coulda.
4. Artist, author, web designer, inventor, designer, photographer, editor, publisher and chief cook and bottle washer - It's my current gig and arguably my best gig so far. Shoulda started out doing this. Wonder where and what I'd be doing now if I had.
Four Movies I can watch over and over again
1. Chariots of Fire - Brings back great memories of watching this with my late Mother. It is also very inspiring to me.
2. Far and Away - Hard to describe why. It just really does something for me.
3. Planes, Trains and Automobiles - If you don't know why, I feel really sorry for you. Guaranteed laughter even if you watch it 8 times in a row. Too bad John Candy is dead. I would love to see he and Steve pair up again.
4. The Family Man - Nicolas Cage in a sort of modern take off of It's a Wonderful Life.
Four Places I've Lived
1. Sendai Japan - Actually I've lived in about 7 different places in Japan. I served a volunteer church mission there a 'few' years ago.
2. San Jose California - Lived there 2 different times actually. I did the Silicon Valley rat race thing. Yuck.
3. Seattle Washington - Lived there 2 different times as well. Hmmm, there is a pattern.
4. Cedar Hills Utah - Live here now and lived here one time before. So, that makes 2 different times. What is up with that?
Four TV shows I Love - current
1. Battlestar Galactica - I absolutely loved the original series and I have totally fallen for the remake that is currently on the air. You gotta love those ceylons ;)!!!
2. Lost - Missed the first half of the first season but have caught up now. It's different and always keeps me guessing.
3. The Amazing Race - I really haven't been one for the reality shows but this one is special. I am always on the edge of my seat. If I have a heart attack whilst watching TV it will be during this show.
4. M*A*S*H - Yes, it is still on TV so I am counting it. I could watch BJ and Hawkeye all day long. There is something therapeutic about it.
Four Highly Regarded and Recommended TV Shows That I've Never Watched a Full Episode of
1. Boston Legal - looks trashy. Besides it has William Shatner on it. I vowed 'NEVER AGAIN' after the TJ Hooker debacle.
2. 24 - Well it isn't totally true. I have now seen 2 full episodes. Nope, I aint gonna drink the cool aid. Talk about being manipulated!!!
3. American Idol - Hahahahahahahahahahahahah. the American viewing public are such a bunch of morons. This is one I don't have to see to know it is ridiculous.
4. MacGyver - yeah I pretended that I had watched whilst talking at the water cooler but I never saw a full episode. I think it conflicted with Magnum PI.
Four places I've vacationed
Vacation? What's that? If you're talking true blue vacations, wow, let's see...
1.Las Vegas - spent several wonderful days with family at a resort hotel trying to avoid the 115 degree heat. Saw Blue Man Group. Excellent. I would do it again.
2. You know, I just can't think of another one. I either travel with business and see the sites while I'm there. I'm thinking that doesn't count as a vacation. Or, I visit family and stay with them. Maybe that counts, but doesn't seem like a true blue vacation. I need to get out more. On vacation that is...
Four of my favorite dishes
1. Just about anything at PF Chang's.
2. The prime rib at McCormicks.
3. A double double at In and Out burger
4. Any meal I may happen to share with Mr. Guadspot.
Four sites I visit daily
2. Desnews.com
3. All my friends blogs.
4. Gmail
that's about it, I should expand my web surfing a bit. Kinda like my vacations.
Four places I'd rather be right now
1. At a luau in Hawaii
2. In an onsen in Japan (natural hot springs)
3. Azusa, CA (preferably in a movie theatre)
4. At a movie
Four bloggers I am tagging
1. Tulip Girl
2. GuadSpot
3. iPaulo
4. HockeyGuy
Well, that was interesting. It's amazing what you learn about yourself when you are forced to think about certain things in certain ways. I am off to the travel agent to find some travel brochures. Any suggestions?