Monday, February 06, 2006


"The Check is in the mail."
That's what the caption should read for this joke of a Superbowl. I absolutely HATE it when the officials play such a significant part in a game. They should be invisible, not even noticed. It was soooo bad that John Madden and Al Michaels were laughing about it. BUT, and this is a big BUT, nobody seems to be saying anything about it today. Hmmm. These days if you're a player or a coach and you say just about anything about the officiating you get fined or suspended. So, basically no one can say what they really feel or think unless they want a chunk taken out of their paychecks and their names splashed all over the media for being suspended etc. I think Mike Holmgren should do what a whole lot of other people did last night, stand up and say "BULLSHIT!"
Normally I don't care much about the game. I didn't follow the season at all this year, but after spending a few years in Seattle and the fact that it was their first time to the big game I was rooting for them. Too bad it wasn't about the play on the field. Those stinkin refs and their little yellow hankies. Hey, wait a minute, weren't there about a bazillion people in the crowd waving yellow hankies too? Hah, so the refs ARE Pittsbooger fans!!!
Oh, and BTW, the commercials were kinda blah this year. I think my fav was the "Might as well face it your addicted to LOST" montage. That was fun. Oh, and BTW#2, I am soooooooo sick of beer commercials. I'll bet you $20 that if a person from another planet ever does land here and starts analyzing us they're going to think that beer is what we use for our money. They're going to think it's the most precious commodity on earth. Well, they'll think that until they run into a bunch of Pittsbooger fans drunk off their butts on Budweeeser and they'll get back in their little spaceship as fast as they can and head home laughing their asses off.


At 4:46 PM , Blogger Mike said...

I liked the "Don't Judge too Quickly..." commercials, of course I couldn't tell you now what they were for.

I try to like football, but for the love of mujibar it's a slow freakin game! I think it's why fooseball is so popular here; it's easy to follow when your loaded with Bud. There were definately a couple odd calls, but if those coffee drinking, soul patch wearin, lefty upper crusters would actually let the black members of the team eat at their restaurants and live inside the city maybe they would have SCORED MORE? I dunno...

Personally I blame the Rolling Stones for everything that happened that night. What a load of crap that was; stupid old euro-farts. Bring back UP WITH PEOPLE for the half time shows!

Mohammed Out!

At 5:13 PM , Blogger Kevin said...

Say what you feel! Now THAT is what I'm talkin about!


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