A haze of maize
We had some family in town last week. I thought they might enjoy the pics I took when we took a field trip down to Thanksgiving Point and the Cornbelly's corn maze. They had more than the maze and it was a lot of fun. We especially had fun meeting some new family members that we hadn't had the chance to meet before. Welcome to the family Ryan and Nicholas!
Here's Farmer Joe (Austin) and his wife Betty (Nicholas).
Ryan acted as navigator through the corn maze. In real life he navigates nuclear submarines around the world for the US Navy. He taught us all about how to find your way around under water, but in a corn maze? Not so much. Don't quit your day job Ryan! ;)
Lots of corn. The maze was in the design of the forthcoming Utah state quarter.
The event we went to had something called a 'pillow jump'. Kind of like a giant balloon you can jump on. Very cool. KJ got some major air here. However, he paid for it when he landed on his toes and bent them backwards. His next few marching band field shows were very painful :(
Shelby had a great time on the 'pillow' too. No injuries :)
Nicholas may be a 'handful' but he is a very cute handful ;)
Austin got the hang of the 'pillow' once he made his way to the top. Bouncy bouncy fun fun fun fun.
Nicholas making eyes for the camera.
Tersta, Ryan, Austin and Nicholas.
What a great family! We enjoyed their visit and look forward to seeing them again at Thanksgiving!