It's been fun the last few years to see the birth of Mormon Cinema. There have literally been dozens of films that more or less appeal only to the Mormon cultural and spiritual world. Some of these films have been fantastic. Such as
"Saints and Soldiers." But others have been 'groaners'. Meaning multiple audible groans during the film, by that audience, where there weren't supposed to be groans.
My family and I took in one such film last evening for family night.
"Baptists at our Barbecue." It had potential. It had some very funny moments that only Mormons would understand. But, it had too many moments that only small town Utah Mormons would understand and it left the film coming out flat. There is one film coming out this Thanksgiving that looks promising. "The Work and the Glory". It is based on the multiple million seller series by the same name. It is a relatively big budget film as films go in Mormon cinema. We've been invited to the premier so that should be fun. It will be the first premiere I've ever been to. No, it's not Hollywood but it will still be fun!
Of course you can always check out the Clariticity sidebar and see my reviews of these films.