Monday, May 22, 2006

Da Vinci Debunked

If you've read the DaVinci Code and especially if you've seen the movie then you might be interested in this article . Put together by the people at "How Stuff Works" it looks at the science and fact of items and events surrounding the DaVinci Code story.
I think most of us realize it was meant to be fiction and after all the research into the 'fictional' claims in the story we can safely say it is just that, 'fiction'.
I enjoyed reading the book and I enjoyed the film. It wasn't great and it wasn't thrilling. Nevertheless it was entertaining and it was a pretty good adaptation of the book although not perfect.
I can now say that I definitely liked the film 'National Treasure' much much better.


At 12:16 PM , Blogger Okie said...

Granted, the film National Treasure was initially built to be a film...although I've heard many argue that DaVinci code was a book written with the obvious intent to be transposed to film.
National Treasure had more action, more depth to the treasure hunt and more character/viewer investment. DaVinci was more focused on the intrigue and the shock of the underlying historical conspiracy it was uncovering. The puzzles and treasure hunting in DaVinci were interesting and fun, but they were definitely presented better in the book than in the movie and NT had more screen friendly treasure hunting and puzzle solving...with more of them.

I enjoyed them both...definitely liked Treasure better as a film despite Nick Cage (who I have a hard time accepting in the role). DaVinci was more interesting as a book where the various details were presented with more depth, though the movie was a fair adaptation (despite Tom Hanks who I have a hard time accepting in ANY role).

And I did enjoy the article linked to. Any time you use REAL locations or objects in a book or movie, you're going to get stuff like that...though it goes to the whole "suspension of disbelief" that movies and books are supposed to imbue in us.


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