Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I thought maybe I would move Shelbyisms to the main posts since I update the page so rarely.

Anyway, today's is a doozy. I have to say this before I tell the story. I have not indoctrinated my daughter into liking or disliking any particular type of music. It is entirely up to her. It may be true that she doesn't get exposed to country music around the house, but she came to the conclusion that it's evil all by herself and I love her for it.


I'm in the shower this morning and I hear this loud knock at the bathroom door. I turn off the water to hear Shelby asking if she can change the channel on the TV. I had left her in the Family Room watching the Ellen show this morning. Anyway, I ask her why she wants to change the channel and she says, "Dad, some guy in a cowboy hat is getting ready to sing 'I'm gonna get drunk and hurt somebody' (Shelby's words) and I don't wanna hear that Daddy." I tell her to go ahead and change it. I get out of the shower and do a little investigating. Sure enough, Toby Keith was on the Ellen show today singing, "I'm gonna get drunk and be somebody."
My kids are far from perfect and make their share of mistakes but when they do something right it really makes me feel good. It warmed my heart today that my pure little sweet daughter didn't want to hear some country singer yahoo singing about getting drunk. You go Shelby!


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