Brokeback revisited
Larry H. Miller the local magnate that removed the film 'Brokeback Mountain' from showing at his Megaplex theatres has finally explained his decision. He says he was 'concerned about the breakup of the family in our society' and that after hearing the contents of the film he felt he needed to make a change. Gay and Lesbian groups in Utah encouraged people to boycott his businesses. Miller says that dozens of people contacted him personally after his decision to let him know they bought a car from one of his dealerships directly because of his decision. You can read all of his remarks HERE.
While I would never buy a car from Miller (the wife and I have had several bad experiences at his dealerships) I applaud his decision and the courage it took to make it. I think Miller is exactly right. It is films like Brokeback being made and shown across our land that is directly adding to the demise of the family. I agree with the right to make and distribute it. Don't get me wrong. However, the fact that it and things like it are being made and that millions are choosing to watch is very disturbing. I'm afraid this won't be the end of this type of controversy and what really scares me is that some day it may not be controversial at all. That will really be a sad thing. I see it coming though. So many in our country just don't care and are just going along with what a minority of really bad people are choosing to do with their free agency. Even if you don't choose to watch or take part, your silence or your tolerance is a vote for it in some way. I know that gets really sticky but the time to sit silent and just choose to not take part and hope that things get better or that the bad choices will go away has expired. We are in a time that we have to take action. We have to be proactive and take the offense. A defensive posture against Satan and his followers will no longer cut it. The gray areas are rapidly diminishing and retreating into the shadows. So, all of us will have to choose. Will you choose the black or the white. There is no longer any 'fence' to sit on. You must choose. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve," This scripture or the general message is found in several places. Joshua 24:15, BofM Alma 30:8, Moses 6:33.
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