Thursday, March 23, 2006

I hate purses

I know this will miff my little sister Raq . The queen mother of purses.
But, I have to say it. I've had enough. Maybe it's the crazy time starved 'hurry hurry' up culture I've been indoctrinated into, I don't know, but it has to stop! No, I don't have anything personal against purses. I don't even have some childhood trauma that makes me afraid of them or anything near that.
Here's the problem. I go somewhere to spend money and I want to drop my greenbacks take my widget and get the heck outta dodge. BUT NO! I have to stand behind some woman who has some ginormous purse and wait while she digs through it and digs through it and digs through get the idea. I want to grab the damn thing and dump it on the floor and step over her as she scrambles to hide all her top secret materials as they roll through the checkout lane and hand the checker my 39 cents that I handily stuck my 'one hand' in my 'one pocket' to pull out and leave with my widget. Done. I'm on to my next stop so I can stand behind some other woman digging through her purse for five minutes and repeat the whole incident all over again. Argh! I know it's hopeless but I just had to vent


At 8:15 AM , Blogger R. Jeffrey Davis said...

cute purse


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