Friday, March 03, 2006

16 Blocks

Just returned from the Cineplex. I took in the new flick 16 Blocks. It's a Bruce Willis 'hide and go seek' thriller. I liked it. This time Bruce doesn't play the typical hotheaded brash tan hunk of a cop etc. He plays a depressed paunchy middleaged almost suicidal mediocre Manhattan cop. Of course he gets confronted with a choice. Does he go the way he always has and flow like water letting the bad cop element twist him into behaving badly or does he fight back and stand up for what is right DAMMIT! I'll let you guess, I don't wanna spoil it for you.
It was ENTERTAINING but not a great movie. Worth a trip to the cineplex for a matinee especially in lieu of what other film choices you have this weekend. Enjoy.


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