Ding Dong the witch is dead
The wicked witch is dead.
As predicted, (by yours truly) my former employer, Indie Built games has been shut down. When I left a little over 1.5 years ago I predicted they wouldn't last 2 years. They didn't.
Thursday evening the Take Two Interactive 'Mafioso' swooped in and escorted the president out the door and changed the locks. Done.
I can't say I'm sad at all. I won't shed a tear. There were a couple of friends still working there but I'm sure they will do fine. Here is another example of what goes around comes around. If you treat people like SH!T then you will eventually get SH!T on yourself. Karma is alive and well in SLC this week. So, there will be no Amped 4 and Links golf is probably gone forever. I personally think Links should live on but Amped was just never that great and Amped 3 the snowboarding game that is collecting dust on shelves across the world right now was just a very weird statement. That is what happens when you let artists dictate the design of a game.
So, so long Indie. So long Microsoft Salt Lake Games studio. So long Access software and so long to the memories both good and bad from my 6 years there. I made some good friends that I hope to keep forever and met some people that I hope to God I never run across again in all eternity.
It would be decidedly un-Christ like to hope they burn in hell, but I do hope they have learned a lesson. That simple lesson that escaped them in their childhoods. The Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It's not that hard unless you listen to corporate America and all the greed out there that tells our society to do whatever it takes to climb the ladder and make a buck. There is a better way. If you don't know what it is, come see me and I'll sit you down and teach it to you. Kindly.
Maybe those of us that were booted early could put on a little party/get-together for those that were just fired/laided off/kicked in the 'hind parts....
BTW, how low... how disloyal... how unethical... what TakeTwo did to those people. You all have our sympathy. Please know that, while it may appear pretty dark now, your lives are about to improve muchly!
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