Sunday, January 08, 2006

Drama drama drama

A Salt Lake City movie theatre chain changed plans Friday and decided not to show 'Brokeback Mountain' a gay cowboy western.
Of course now it is making national headlines. "Utah theatre refuses to show gay cowboy movie". Now, people are getting their knickers in a twist over this. It's not the first time a movie theatre has refused to show a film and it won't be the last. I for one am happy that someone at Larry Miller Group, the group that owns and runs the theatres, had the guts to make the call. They should have never agreed to carry the film in the first place. From what I've read and from what I've seen in previews etc. this film has no business ever being shown. It's trash and it's disgusting. Oh, and it's destined to get an Oscar nomination you just wait and see. IF that happens this will be the first year that I will boycott watching the Oscars. Just one more piece of evidence that the world is going to hell in a handbasket and Hollywood is leading the way.
Oh, and one more thing. I never did think much of Heath Ledger but I did have some respect for Jake Gyllenhaal from the first time I saw him in 'October Sky'. I have lost all respect for him now.


At 7:46 AM , Blogger Mike said...

You know it's going to win big because it will be considered a "statement" more than a true representation of movie making.

Please don't let them start messing with the Science Fiction genre... I really couldn't stomach seeing Han Solo and Luke pinching each other on the butt while Chewbaca looks on jealously.


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