Thursday, September 13, 2007

Haka to you!!!

Here is an interesting controversy. File this under people who have too much time on their hands worrying about things they shouldn't oughta worry about.

The BYU football team has a tradition they perform before every football game either home or away. It is a traditional New Zealand Maori 'Haka' dance. It involves dance moves and slapping onceself on the chest, opening ones eyes wide and chanting in Maori. It is not aimed at the opponents and is not a 'war dance'. It is used to psych up the players and get them ready for the game.
Some are now calling for it to stop. The Western Athletic Conference bans such rituals before games and even penalized the Hawaii team last week for doing a haka. Now, some in BYU's conference, The Mountain West Conference, are starting to 'wonder' if this practice is ok. You can read more about it in THIS article.
I think it is 'much ado about nothing'. I've seen the haka in person at a BYU game. I think it is just a matter of opponents being 'jealous' that their own team doesn't have a cool Maori dance to psych themselves up for a game so they complain.
I hate whiners and complainers. Have I ever mentioned that before ;)


At 4:57 PM , Blogger R. Jeffrey Davis said...

You've gone to a BYU game? Did you take your hard-core Utah-fan friend? Did you play football behind the south end zone bleachers at half time? Man, those were the days.


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