Friday, August 10, 2007

Apple and the Enterprise

I don't normally make a habit of 'republishing' others blog posts but I ran across an excellent post this morning that explained something very well. Click HERE to read the entire post. The post explains well why Apple does not 'go after' the enterprise market. Enterprise market being defined by the poster as
"In the enterprise market, you must sell to the business as an entity, usually through an IT department whose job it is to manage technology products and services that are actually used by everyone else in the company." This definition is as opposed to the opposite of enterprise or 'direct to the consumer.'
It explains well why most PC desktops are giant smoking pieces of pooh. (Yah, go ahead, disagree with me. Whatever.)
When asked why Apple doesn't offer giant smoking pieces of pooh, Steve Jobs simply explains,
" There's some stuff in our industry that we wouldn't be proud to ship. And we just can't do it. We can't ship junk. There are thresholds we can't cross because of who we are."
That about sums it up for me.


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