Friday, August 03, 2007

Bourne Again

***Spoiler Alert***

Went to see Bourne Ultimatum today. It was great. It totally fed my need for a good, fun movie. I was totally enthralled from the first frame till the last. I know that it seems they left the ending wide open for a possible fourth movie but I hope they don't do it. I think this film can totally stand on it's own to end the trilogy. Many of the 'loose' ends were tied up and it didn't feel like a rush to get them all tied up. (unlike this summer's 7th installment of the Harry Potter series where all the loose ends and red herrings had to be crammed into 700+ pages)
There have been articles and talk recently about who would be the best between 'Jason Bourne' and 'James Bond'. I think that is silly, they are two totally different characters. Jason would win hands down in a fist fight but Bond would win if he had access to his gadgets. I think the question should be which characters films win the female beauty pageant. Heh heh, Bond wins this one hands down. Don't know why I went there, I really don't.
Anyway, back to Ultimatum. I think this final (hopefully) installment may be the best in the series. It is definitely better than number 2, but might have had too many moments in common with the first film. I found myself saying, "didn't that happen in the first film?" one too many times. But, I quickly overcame those thoughts when the action ensued. The fist fights were excellent, although this shaky camera fad has got to go! The vehicle chases were superior and make me want to go again so I can catch anything I missed.
The best line of the movie is when a CIA agent is radioing their chief and says, "he drove off the roof!" and the chief replies, "WHAT?!?" I guess you have to see the scene but it was awesome.
It wasn't any rougher sex/violence wise than the first two so I highly recommend you take your older kids and make a family event out of it. Some of you might chide me for saying that and even hinting that this is in any way a 'family' film. But after several years of watching the DVD's of the first 2 films with my wife and kids, the Bourne movies have become a family hit and a lot of fun to watch together. And, no, I don't think this will entice my 17 year old son who is on the verge of obtaining his drivers license to drive the family car backwards off the top of a parking garage. But, I could be wrong ;)


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