Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I didn't hear about THIS until today. Evidently PBS has been working to enforce a longstanding rule against religious programming over the last year. This is coming up now supposedly due to the analog to digital transition that just completed last Friday June 12th. According to the article (link above) the stations that already broadcast religious programming have been give a reprieve. Which includes all of 4 stations nationwide. All other PBS affiliates are now banned from any religious programming.
So, evidently the PBS organization that regularly teams up with and broadcasts content from extreme leftist NPR (National Public Radio) has now decided to get militant on religious programming. This is unfortunate. An organization that supports programming that has historically covered the gamut of American culture and society has now closed itself off from a major piece of what makes America what it is at it's core.
So, in my opinion, now begins the long slow decline of PBS into the ether. It will begin to fail at an even quicker pace than it already has been. You'll know this is true when sometime in the next 4 years you hear a news story about how King Barack Obama announces a bail out of PBS. With your tax money.


At 7:43 AM , Blogger embeesea said...



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