M$ Smackdown
Apple finally came out with an ad answering the Laptop Hunter Ad from Micro$oft.
As you all know I am extremely biased but I thought this was the perfect retort. Clean, simple, brilliant and tongue planted firmly in cheek.
I'm betting the ad guys at TWBA\Chiat\Day were laughing their collective asses off the minute the first laptop hunter ad hit the airwaves. It took them a few weeks to get this Apple ad on the air because they had to stop laughing so hard so they could work again.
Yah, yah, so before you get all argumentative, yada yada yada, save your breath. Your "PC laptops are cheaper...etc etc." shtick is not going to be heard here. In the last 3 months I have helped 2 die hard Windows users convert to a Mac laptop and they could not be happier. Every time I see them they gush about how much their Mac has "changed their lives". They can "trust their computer again", "things make sense" I could go on for hours.
Cheg it owt!
haahhaaha...the commercial came on the tv just when I was about to click Play on this. Sadly true. Just if the mac book pro could be at least under $1500, then pay for parallels, etc.
Great ad. In the last two years, the migrations from PC to Mac among fellow employees is pretty staggering. If only I could get a consulting fee for helping with the decision... because once they get the Mac, I never get another "home computer" question again.
I've been in stitches for three days. Can't stop laughing.
Macs are for people that can't figure out a tru *nix Kevin. ;)
But I still like you, even though you drink cupertino Kool-Aid.
lol....that's beautiful.
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