Saturday, July 01, 2006

Rant of the Week

Ok, I just can't take it anymore. I'm gonna bust. I have to RANT!
I try oh so hard to keep it in. To squash it. So, in order to avoid actually bursting into a ball of fire in real life maybe I can blow off some steam by writing it down. With a nice side affect that the entire world could know how pissed off I am. Aint the internet great!

Anyway, I digress. I am pisssssssed. Yes that is with six S's.

I went to the grocery store today to pick up just a few thing for the weekend. It took me forever because I was stopped and stuck at every turn because everyone is using these freaking grocery carts! AND, people don't drive friendly in the grocery store. I say people should have a license to drive one of these and take a test just like for a real license. These freaking ladies and their 18 freaking kids hanging all over the cart pulling crap off the shelves and throwing it in the aisles. Aaaaaahhhhhh, did anyone ever hear of DISCIPLINE? Has it been completely thrown out the window? I don't know about you but I beat my kids regularly just to keep em in line. (i'm joking by the way. Put the phone down).
I got into one particularly nasty traffic jam today where 4 of these carts were converged at one intersection and I literally could not get through without going back 2 aisles and clear to the back of the store and down and back yada yada. I didn't want to backtrack! My pink lemonade was defrosting at an already alarming rate. I looked for a responsible adult that could move one of the carts so I could get through and they had all left the immediate vicinity. I just about snapped. If my darling daughter wasn't with me I might actually have started acting like Chester Cheeto. I loved what Shelby said, it kind of defused my boiling temper. "Well, this is a fine mess!" Shelby says.
Now, you might say, "why didn't you just step forward and move one of the carts out of the way?" And I would say, "Are you smacked out of your head? Do you know what would happen if I actually did that?" I guarantee you 4 mothers would appear out of nowhere and have that worried, you're gonna kidnap my children, look on their faces. At which I would have to explain they were in my way, but there would be absolutely no recognition on their parts that they had actually done anything wrong.
When did Common Sense die? I miss it. I can't believe I missed the funeral, I would have loved to have given a eulogy.
So, my words to all you rude selfish devoid of common sense people at the Maceys in Pleasant Grove today,


At 11:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grammie often said: Spare the rod and spoil the child. So did your mother.


At 11:39 AM , Blogger R. Jeffrey Davis said...

I'm glad I don't shop there.


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