I saw Adam Sandler's latest flick this weekend. Click. It's about a guy with a magic remote control that can pause and fast forward through 'undesirable' parts of his life. I'm glad I didn't take the kids. Despite the marketing that made me feel that this was a 'family friendly' movie it most definitely was not. Yeah, Yeah, I know, I should have known better. It was an Adam Sandler movie after all. I guess I was just too hopeful. Don't get me wrong, I still liked the film. It actually had a good message which was refreshing for a Sandler flick. Just a little too much trashy sex jokes etc. I guess I can't blame Adam for that, he was costarring with Kate Beckinsale after all ;)
Henry Winkler was fun to see even though his part was acted a little strangely. Christopher Walken was nuts. I think he might actually be nuts in real life and the director just told him to act normal. The story wasn't super tight but again this was, everybody say it together, "an Adam Sandler film". Thank You.
There were some clever skits that actually didn't make it into any of the trailers so I enjoyed that. I hate movies that I feel like I've already seen because of the trailers. The story was just good enough to make me really wonder what I would have done in Adam's shoes.
All in all I enjoyed it. It entertained me for a couple of hours and I got to see Kate Beckinsale not dressed up like some kind of scary vampire lady. I think they should do a sequel and give the remote to Kate's character and see what she would do.
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