Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Mormon Comics

Now here is a comic book I can get behind. The BOOK OF MORMON told on the pages of a comic book. Volumes 1 & 2 are out now. Volume 3 will be out shortly.
I've never been one for the superhero and fantastical comic books, but I may just go down and pick one of these up and may even follow the series. The stories are definitely more fulfilling and 'real' than any Batman or Spiderman comic. Kudos to Mike Allred for taking something that is really somewhat a waste of time and turning it into something of real value in this world.
I read from the 'real' Book of Mormon every day but having the comic book version may provide a break from the stark black and white pages of my scriptures. They won't replace my daily reading but may be a fun diversion. And who knows, the kids may show some interest.
Here is more info on the comic book version of the Book of Mormon.


At 3:14 PM , Blogger R. Jeffrey Davis said...

Actually, maybe this will help me to
read MY scriptures more often. I actually have a Book of Mormon with
me but it's all in Dutch. I got it from one of the sister missionaires
that we met on the bus last Saturday.


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