Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Legal drugs

Microsoft has taken to using legal addictive substances to push it's nextgen gaming console. Xbox 360 and Pepsico will combine for a Mountain Dew giveaway of close to 10,000 Xbox 360's before the console actually ships to the public.

Anything to get into your living room.
Anything to make a buck.
Anything to get you hooked.


At 1:53 PM , Blogger Michael Russell said...

Sony did the same thing with Coke, Sega with Dr. Pepper, DuPont with some bullet manufacturers, etc.

Unfortunately, cross-promotion is a way of life for marketing.

I understand that there may be deeper reasons why you may be against this, but as a business owner, ask yourself if your product was swapped with the Xbox, would you still consider this a bad thing?

At 3:25 PM , Blogger Kevin said...

I don't want my product associated anywhere near the xbox. Luckily the xbox demographic and the demographic my products are aimed at are very different or it 'may' become a harder decision.

At 6:29 PM , Blogger Mike said...

Apple enlists Pepsi for it's iTunes promotions... that particularly sucks because Pepsi BLOWS.

Now if Inspiripics were to cross promote with iTunes (Mirror Music, Mirror Lyrics, Mirror Rock, Mirror Pop, InspiriVideos!)*** that I think, would be kewl.

Btw, CJ thinks your prints are cool and likes the XBox... careful about eliminating that sale of 1 print every few months demographic... ;-)

***Trademarks of GuadSpot, no making billions without me.


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