Thursday, January 10, 2008

The iPhone Story

This article on Wired is worth the read. It is a 4 page read on the development of the iPhone. It includes many behind the scenes stories and lots of very interesting information.
My favorite part is the last paragraph:

It may appear that the carriers' nightmares have been realized, that the iPhone has given all the power to consumers, developers, and manufacturers, while turning wireless networks into dumb pipes. But by fostering more innovation, carriers' networks could get more valuable, not less. Consumers will spend more time on devices, and thus on networks, racking up bigger bills and generating more revenue for everyone. According to Paul Roth, AT&T's president of marketing, the carrier is exploring new products and services — like mobile banking — that take advantage of the iPhone's capabilities. "We're thinking about the market differently," Roth says. In other words, the very development that wireless carriers feared for so long may prove to be exactly what they need. It took Steve Jobs to show them that.

The stupidity of business these days just floors me. The idea that what the iPhone is doing is some 'new' idea, that the idea is that people really care about the phones they use. Duh. What a bunch of freakin idiots. How do some of these companies stay in business? I am so glad that the 'wireless carriers' are having to redefine the way they do business because the way they've been doing it is like a bunch of Dumb Asses. I guess everyone is just trying to emulate Microsoft. I think those days are rapidly coming to a close. It seems weird to thank one person for this but there is a lot of press out there giving that thanks to Steve Jobs right now. I am an Apple fan to be sure but I don't like the idea that is all because of this one guy.


At 11:07 AM , Blogger Mike said...

Once the thrid party apps start flowing in, I don't see how Apple will be able to make enough of these things. An already stunning device will be outrageously cool.

With tens of millions of iPhones out there, I look forward to the day when Apple's exclusive partnership with AT&T dissolves (2012) and ALL carriers welcome the phone of your choice.


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