What's Mr. Star Wars up to?
I ran across this article at work recently. Someone forwarded it as an example of some idea of some future something or somesuch. Anyway, it didn't really have much to do with work stuff but I found it interesting in other respects. It is an article about George Lucas and some recent information about what he is up to. He says Lucasfilm is getting 'out' of the feature film business. At least after Indiana Jones 4 releases. And instead of spending (risking) $200 million on one 2 hour film he says he can make 50 2 hour TV episodes for the same money. He thinks the American public is quickly moving away from going to the movies and will be seeking their entertainment in other places like Pay per view and television.
It's an interesting thought and there may be some merit, but I'm not sure that this 'sea change' he speaks of is as imminent as he thinks it is. I can see more and more downloadable content becoming available and people being willing to buy their entertainment that way, but I don't see thousands of movie theatres being boarded up anytime soon.
What do you think?
I think George Lucas has been out of the reality loop for too long.
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