Friday, January 26, 2007


The State of Utah is to get new license plates sometime this year.
It's about time. Almost every other state in the union has updated their plates in the last few years, some even multiple times. Utah's 'flat' basic white plate was starting to look as backward as Utah is accused of being socially.
I like the new look. Well, I don't care for the skier taking center stage. I don't ski and most Utahns don't. Skiing does bring thousands from out of state each year and billions of dollars. That's the reason for retaining the "Greatest Snow on Earth" moniker and the skiier. It's all about money.
I think we should have a separate plate for our most famous state 'export'. How about two young men wearing white shirts and ties with name tags right in the middle of the plate? ;) The good done by the thousands of Utah's young (and old) men and women that venture out into the world to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ far outweighs any monetary benefit that skiing brings to Utah. Well, that's my opinion anyway.


At 1:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it really true that most Utahns don't ski? It feels like they all do and I'm the only one who doesn't. My excuse is my husband who's a big chicken :-)

At 8:44 AM , Blogger ipaulo said...

If it was two kids in white shirts, what would the tagline be? "Greatest missionaries on earth" Too long. How bout "Greatest Ancestor Hunters"?


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