Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Nice Guys get results

I found this article that talks about 5 business maxims that have changed or that need to change. I agree with them and I wish corporate America would adopt this 'new' thinking. Unfortunately I see too many that don't think this way and drive themselves and their businesses into the ground trying to implement the old ways.
For example the idea that a business has to keep growing or it will die. I have never understood this way of thinking. Our stock market is driven by this theory. If a business's growth slows or even retracts you can kiss the stock price goodbye. I think this is flawed thinking and I can't see how this thinking will ever change without some kind of complete meltdown of the economy to force people and businesses to 'reboot' and think different.
Of course some growth is necessary to keep a business in 'business'. The linked article has a great example of why this maxim should be changed.


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