Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Ok, I have a question. Some of you that read Clariticity, friends and family have gotten 'drunk' before. I'm assuming this is true. Wait a minute, I remember, it is true, I've seen it. Anyway, my personal admission is that I have never before been drunk. There, if you had any doubts now you know. My question is, when you're drunk are you really responsible for anything you might say while intoxicated? I mean do you really even know what you're doing or saying? You can probably guess why I am asking this.
Mel Gibson was recently arrested for DUI and the bigger story is what he said while police were in the process of arresting and booking him. He is getting crucified in the press for what he said about Jews. This has really surprised me. Can he really be held accountable for things he said while in that state? I want to say, "What's the big deal, he was drunk!" But evidently I am off the mark here because people are saying his career is over and that no one will ever work with him again etc.
I'm not condoning what he said. It was wrong. Absolutely. However, my experience with drunk people both here in the US and while I spent 2 years overseas in Japan serving as a missionary is that people in that state have no control over themselves and that they aren't really even 'themselves' while under the 'influence'.
So, I am perplexed by the reaction from Hollywood and the press and the Jewish nation. Were people just waiting to nail Mel and are using this as their chance? Is it because he made a film about Christ and has professed a strong Christian faith? Is it because drunk people let out their 'true' feelings when under the influence and everyone is surprised that a self-professed Christian said such horrible anti-semitic things?
I really want to understand this better. Any thoughts you might have please share.


At 10:57 AM , Blogger R. Jeffrey Davis said...

I would have to say that yes, you are responsible, drunk or not, for all that you say. The only thing being drunk does it make it a bit easier to say what you really feel.


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