Wednesday, August 02, 2006

CSI ruined America

After reading this article I now think that CSI the television show that deals with tracking down bad guys using forensic science has ruined America. At least ruined being a teenager in America. Some kids in Norco, California toilet papered the house of a family of 8. The Mother used the same tactics that the CSI crew would use to track down the teenagers responsible and their case is now sitting on the District Attorneys desk. One of the perps was an adult and could face jail time. The other 5, juveniles, could face paying restitution. Now, to be fair, in this case the kids deserved to get caught because they caused some damage to the family's property. And truthfully, that is probably the only reason the Mother went to such extraordinary means to track them down. She didn't want them to get away with it.
The larger point I'm trying to make is that even if property damage hadn't been done in an otherwise annoying 'teenage' prank, someone could have tracked you down using technology that just wasn't around when I was a teenager toilet papering the neighborhood during summer sleepovers. Now, I have to warn my kids that if they choose to engage in this type of activity they could end up in front of the District Attorney.
The America of my youth is officially gone.


At 12:56 AM , Blogger R. Jeffrey Davis said...

pretty impressive


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