Monday, December 05, 2005

Raq's Nazi Cookie Party

My sis 'Raq' had a holiday cookie exchange last Saturday. Since DW (Dear Wife) was busy working I decided to take on the baking of the Seven dozen cookies for the exchange. After being 'denied' once by the cookie nazi for the first recipe idea I had proposed I settled on a new creation. Yeah, that's right. I can't just whip up some sugar cookies and throw them at the party and forget about it, I had to try and win the job of Martha Stewart's Apprentice. So, this is what I came up with. ChocoNog Sugar cookies. They are egg nog sugar cookies dipped in Ghirardelli chocolate. I found a simple egg nog sugar cookie recipe and adjusted it a bit and then added the chocolate coating. If you want my adapted recipe you can get it HERE.
So, why did I call it the 'nazi cookie party'? Well, Raq sent out an invite and some 'rules'. My favorite was the last. "IF you abide by all of these rules you 'may' be invited again next year." Reminds me of the infamous Seinfeld Soup Nazi, "NO SOUP FOR YOU! ONE YEAR!" So, Raq's version would be, "NO COOKIES FOR YOU! ONE YEAR!"
Anyway, DW went off to the exchange with 'my' cookies, (I wasn't invited, I guess it was a girl thing) and she returned with 7 dozen yummy holiday cookies. Very nice.


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