Something to get behind
Now HERE is something to get behind. Something to write your congressman about. You'll have to read the article for details but basically someone has finally come up with a 'workable' way to channel internet p0rn content into it's own haven and make it basically impossible to 'stumble' across like we take the very real risk of doing now. This is NOT censorship. It puts p0rn0graphic material in it's own area where people can 'opt in' or 'opt out' as they choose. It is not filtering which is the only way to get around it now and we all know how well filtering works. I am fully behind this. It's free and it's easy. The only problem is that to get it to work 100% correctly it must be legislated. This will not happen on it's own.
I wonder who the technical people are behind this. The concept of "channels" as they put it relates to TCP ports which do not define content in the way they describe. Ports are used to describe applications that run on a specific port.
Last time I read about this was regarding the creation of a pr0n domain (ex: I understand one of the major road blocks was the concern by family and Christian organizations that creating a specific domain or path on the net for this material is that they would be in fact condoning the material by creating an infrastructure for it to live in.
I fully support the attempt of coraling pornographic content, however I think as usual, the burden is 100% on myself. There are just too many ways around filtering and the techies will always be several steps ahead of the Government.
I tend to agree with Mike, however, I'm certainly in favor of anything that makes it that much harder for this crap to make it into my home.
I disagree with the burden being on 'yourself'. Maybe I don't understand what you're saying, but if you're saying that it is up to you to keep away from the bad stuff, then I have a problem with that.
Yes, you yourself can close a window if you go somewhere you didn't intend to go. You 'can' police yourself just fine. But, you can't stand over your children's shoulders 24x7. They can't police themselves and it is way too easy to get into trouble even if it is unintentional.
Now, I'm not pretending to understand the technical details but if it is what is sound like and legislation can force p0rn to only be on port 79 for example then it will be easy for my browser, after an update of course, to block all traffic coming from port 79. Now, I know the geeks/bad guys may not be nice and stay on port 79 but if it is legislated then there is a method to go after those who don't comply. The end result I believe is a lot less of a chance of myself or more importantly my children accidentally running into something they should NEVER see.
As far as the burden being on me... I meant that I choose me over the Government any day when it comes to upholding/enforcing/teaching morality or values. That's speaking generally of course... When it comes to the ugly side of the Internet, I can't imagine this problem going away unless the Internet is turned into a U.S. Government sponsored entity; which would be worthless.
As far restricting pron to a specific port... It doesn't work that way. Ports define protocols. Port 80 is Web traffic, 21 is FTP, 25 is email... pr0n is content, not a protocol. There are firewalls out there that will restrict content of this type, they actively update on a daily basis.
Besides, the legislation will have no effect on every other country in the world providing pr0n to the U.S. over the Net.
Your concerns are 100% realistic, but I don't think there's a complete way around it, other than chucking the box out the window.
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