Friday, November 11, 2005

You blew it!

According to Pat Robertson the people of Dover PA just pissed off God. They voted out all of their school board members who had recently tried to introduce 'intelligent design' to be taught along side evolution in the cities high schools.
Now, let me first say that I think Pat is a little off of his nut. I don't agree with the way he says and does things.
However, I do agree in principle with some of what he says. Everyone, or at least 69% of you out there, are up in arms over what he has said and think he is an idiot. But really, let's look at what he said. "...they had rejected God by voting their school board out of office for supporting intelligent design." He said more and made threats which I don't agree with but bottom line, isn't what he said true? A vote against teaching that God created the earth and everything on it is voting against God. How else can you interpret that? If evolution is taught and believed by some but not all then why can't ID be taught as well when there are a lot of people that believe that way?


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