Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Drinks on me

Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson is at it again. A DeseretNews article outlines information that the Mayor is illegally using city money to purchase alcoholic beverages at late night parties. When is this guy going to learn? Time and time again Mayor Anderson is flying in the face of both the law and the culture of the city he governs. Recently, he made huge waves when he, acting individually without council approval, enacted a benefit package for 'partners' of city employees. He advocates the use of marijuana and now he is getting visiting dignitaries drunk because "It is in the taxpayers' interest that these visitors walk away from the city with a good experience and a knowledge that the city has a nightlife," Anderson said.
Nevermind it AGAINST CITY LAW!!! Fine, Mayor, if you disagree with the law and think it is "insane" then do the work to change it. Don't just willy nilly break the law.
Oh, and by the way, if it is so important to you that visitors have a 'great time' and leave the city with a 'good impression' then why don't you foot the bill yourself. I'm sure $400 after a "big event" won't break your bank account.
Oh, and one more thing. Why is it that people have to be enebriated to have a good impression of Salt Lake City?


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