Friday, June 17, 2005

Supersize me

We rented and watched the anti-McDonald's movie "Supersize Me" last night.
Everyone should see this. (not appropriate for children).
I'm actually angry at the big business of fast food today. I do think there was little problem with context in this film but only a little and the point was made so strikingly clear and well that the context problem doesn't even get in the way.
So, if you don't know the story, this guy decides to perform an experiment and eat only McDonald's food for 30 days. That's right, every meal, 3 squares a day. Nothing but MickeyD's.
I was actually feeling ill myself by the end of the film. You can guess what happens but what is so surprising is that it was soooo much worse than you would expect. Who in their right mind would only eat at McDonald's for 30 days straight right? Nobody actually does this so it's not a true arbiter of reality. Well, the results are so bad that even thinking of eating fast food a couple of times a week makes you wonder. and wonder, and wonder.
And at the end you ask, "Why would these companies do this to us? Why do they so heavily market this stuff that is soooo bad for us? Why on earth would anyone do this?" ANSWER: $$$. It all comes down to money and it makes me sick.
The kicker is when the filmmaker polls 100 nutritionists and asks them, "How often should people eat fast food?" 9 out of 10 of the nutritionists said, "NEVER".
So it's time to say goodbye Filet-o-Fish, Sayonara Big Mac, Au Revoir Chicken club with cheese, arrivederci cheese coney and auf wiedersehn bacon egg and cheese biscuit. I loved ye, I was addicted to ye but I can't let you hurt me any longer. So long, farewell...

However, when in LA I'm still gonna go to In n Out burger. I can't say no to that. Once a year or so, that won't be too bad will it?


At 10:13 AM , Blogger Mike said...

I didn't see this movie, and maybe I will just so I can discuss it further. However the reason I didn't see it was because It seemed a ridiculous premise. If the point is eating every meal at McDonald's for a month will make you violently ill... umm... ok, and drinking water by the gallons every day for a month will probably blow our my kidneys.

If a guy wants a cheese burger and eats a normal, relatively healthy diet, what's the big deal? Throw in fries and a shake... I've never seen a McDoanld's add that tells me or my children in effect... "Breakfast, lunch, and dinner for you everyday!"

It's like everything else in life, you have a choice. No one is forcing alcohol, tobacco, fast food, Tivo, computers, gambling, caffene, sugar, vacationing where you might get too much sun, etc. on us. Yet in a capitalist society all these destructive products and activities are advertised to us.

I go to McDonalds now maybe once a week. I order a side of scrambled eggs and a juice, sometime a piece of bacon. It's an amazing Country we live in that for a few bucks and 3 minutes I can grab a perfectly healthy meal. Where is the evil in the service they're providing me? Not once have they demanded that I order two McGriddles and a short stack.

Following this movie's premise (as I understand it), my local supermarket is hell on earth, filled with coupons for salty soups, chips, soda, lard, frozen pizza, cigars and booze.

... or I could choose the veggies, chicken, and the "healthy" treats... as long as the chicken isn't loaded with salmonila, the splenda doesn't give me brain cancer and I don't choke on some oversized piece of brocolli.

*Nevermind if I've missed the point of the movie though. :-)


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