Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kevin's Five Word Reviews

A new year and a new attempt to review all the movies I take in. I am nuts about movies. I absolutely love going to the movies. I am an addict. Please God don't let anyone ever come up with a movie lovers anonymous 12 step program.
This year I thought I would convey my thoughts about movies in a very simple way. I am going to try using only 5 words or 5 short phrases to describe my thoughts about a movie. This came from thinking about the conversations I have with most people about movies. They usually go something like this:

Did you see "X"?
Yes I did.
What did you think?
I thought it was...
1. Good.
2. Slow moving.
3. Fun family flick.
4. Funny.
5. Well written.

etc. etc. etc.

We'll see how it goes. I have 10 movies I've seen since Christmas that I will review below. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.


At 11:15 AM , Blogger Okie said...

Despite the amount of junk-movies coming out these days, I don't think there's any shame in being am ovie addict...yet. ;)

I like your new review idea. I keep toying with the idea of some quick, concise, tidy review like these. Heaven knows most of my reviews are far too wordy. But I have too much fun rambling about all the nuances to trim it down to a 5 word review. :)

Still. I love these reviews you're doing...easy to get a quick 'at a glance' feel for the movie.


At 10:43 AM , Blogger R. Jeffrey Davis said...

Yeah, I'm so happy that my movie reviewer is back!


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