Wednesday, February 16, 2005


The NHL (National Hokeypokey League) cancelled their season today. Hmmm, I didn't know they weren't playing ;)
Wouldn't it be great if nobody cared? I mean really. If people picked up a book or called their brother or maybe their long lost friend in Utah? Maybe instead of spending a hundred bucks to trudge off to a fight on an ice rink, uh, I mean, uh, well you know what I mean! Instead of turning on the boob tube and staring at other people having a hell of a time and getting exercise to boot. Instead of that maybe, just maybe if people went out and threw the ball around with their kids, made dinner for their working wife so she wouldn't have to when she got home, took the family to the library or even out for ice cream and sat and had a real live conversation. Maybe the NHL and all the other 'L's' wouldn't be fighting over billions of dollars of 'our' money. And maybe just maybe we would all get along just a little bit better.
Just a thought.
Note: I know I am taking my life in my own hands by saying these things. I have family and friends that are rabid hockey fans. So, if I pissed you off, really made you mad, go ahead, just go ahead, come over and beat me with a wet noodle! I dare you! I triple dog dare you! It's not like you don't have the time to do it!


At 11:26 AM , Blogger R. Jeffrey Davis said...

I was beginning to think that maybe you DON'T have any family/friends (or at least ones that liked hockey). I think that it is a good thing that the season is cancelled and maybe they can figure things out. It's hard to say with hockey who has the upper hand. There are other leagues and I don't think the players mind playing elsewhere. I hope the other "L"s and NBA fight for each other's money. It's a comedy of sorts. I have absolutely NO sympathy for professional athletes (or owners for that matter).

At 7:09 PM , Blogger Mike said...

So I've had a loooong week. Working until midnight every day. Each night I had my laptop with me as I traveled from building to building so I could keep an eye on the latest Hockey news. Also at the same time I was suffering from the flu... tired and cold due to the temperature of the various server rooms I had to work in I was more miserable with every passing second. Still however, I was hopeful that while I was hard at work, the forces behind the greatest sport on the planet were coming to their senses. I would have Hockey back soon!... but no.

I finally collapsed and slept for two days, the bronchitis had taken hold and I could work no longer. When I awoke and felt well enough to browse some of my favorite blogs I came here. Here to a place of bright and positive thoughts... inspirational you might even say.


I was coping with the loss of Hockey, the only sport I've ever enjoyed and one of my very few hobbies. You see, after my wife was fed... or after she's fed me... after the kids have gone to sleep, tired because of the game we just played together, the movie we just saw, the discussion we just had, or the amusement park we just came from... after my responsibilities as a father and husband had been met for the day, I could sit back, fire up my Tivo and watch a couple hours of a game too fast, too complicated, and too full of testosterone for most Americans.

I had even used the Internet to meet other fans of my particular team. Fans who held season tickets and had families of their own. They were an excellent source of either free or heavily discounted seats... these were all good hockey loving people you see. People who supported one another and helped where they could. It allowed me and my family to see an occasional game in person without causing financial ruin.

Luckily however, there is no hockey now, so I have more time to browse my favorite blogs to read their various messages of inspiration, organize my sock drawer, beat my kids out of frustration, or visit long LOST relatives who need a swift kick in the arse because they've obviously lost their flippin' minds.

I have to go know, there's two nice kids on my doorstep; dressed in black pants, white shirts, black ties, seem to be holding some sort of literature... just got off their bikes after peddaling all the way up my street... I bet they came here so I can swing open my door and deliver massive bodychecks to each before they know what hit them.

I'll let ya know how that goes.


Mario Lemieux


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