Saturday, September 11, 2004

Your Mommy Kills Animals!!!

I ran across this ad on the back cover of US News and World Report. I didn't believe it at first, but it's true.
The mommy killing the bunny comic book is actually something PETA distributes. I knew these people were nuts but this is just crazy, crazy, crazy. It nearly traumatized my daughter when she saw the ad. I told her I was going to put this on the web to warn other parents. She has been bugging me to do it ever since. "Dad, you have to put this on the web! So kids will know that Mommies don't really kill bunnies like this!" And she's right. Even with the killing of animals to get pelts for fur coats, Mommies aren't killing bunnies like this! I think PETA has gone waaaay too far here.
You can view the entire doc tha PETA distributes at the bottom of this page.


At 1:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, mommys dont kill like that the animals, but, what is the diference?

Ronald Mcdonald is the devil just like kentuky, do you like that rabbits eat your son?

To pun your daughter life in hot hot water and them cut her??????

sorry by the spelling, i dont know english very well but I get very angry when I reed your letters


At 6:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PeTA...Never forget; there is a reason that the "e" is in lowercase, because they have little of what that "e" stands for!!!


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