Thursday, October 22, 2009


I haven't bashed Microsoft for awhile. So, today on the day of the release of MS's latest version of Windows, Windows 7, I have a few things to say.
First of all, I have used Windows 7 a bit. Not extensively, not enough to do a full blown review. My first reaction is that it isn't bad. It improved on Windows Vista a bit. I don't really have anything negative to say about the software per se. Just one thing. It's still Windows. Windows users won't get this and I don't care. If you are choosing to use Windows you deserve what you get. If you are happy with it, you deserve it. If you are miserable, you deserve it.
Here is what I want to rant about today. The babbling ridiculous marketing drivel coming out of Redmond about this release. I mean come on! How much bullshit can you take? Here is one example from Mr. Ballmer head bullshitter of Microsoft:

“Let’s face it, the Internet was designed for the PC. The Internet is not designed for the iPhone,” Ballmer said. “That’s why they’ve got 75,000 applications — they’re all trying to make the Internet look decent on the iPhone.”

Uh...what? "The internet was designed for the PC." Who does he think he's talking to? Seriously, he is starting to sound like Al Gore. This is the type of bullshit you get out of salespeople. This guy has no idea what the hell he's talking about. No wonder MS is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Microsoft's Board should toss this idiot out ASAP if they want to turn the Titanic around. The iPhone has this guy so perplexed and angry that he can't even talk about a desktop operating system on the day of it's worldwide release. He has to start comparing the internet to the PC and the iPhone. His head is so far up his ass that his companies mobile strategy is splintered between not 2 but 3 different technologies. Pick one DUMB ASS!!!

A lot is being said about Windows 7 being the "best release of Windows ever". I agree. It probably is the best version since Windows 2000. The problem here is that the world of technology is rapidly moving on from the era of the desktop operating system. It seems everyone gets it but Microsoft. As much pleasure as I get from seeing them fail I still get worked up that they are getting so much positive press and attention about it. Microsoft's stock and image will see a rebound from this release of Windows. It will last less than a year before their decline continues and accelerates.
Oh, one more item. Did you see the opening of the first "Microsoft Store" today in an Arizona mall? The video is easy to find on Youtube. Check it out. They couldn't have made their store look more like the Apple store if they had just broken in to one and stole everything. No ingenuity. No Innovation. No creativity. The "M" in Microsoft still stands for "Mediocre", and it looks like it always will.


At 4:33 PM , Blogger Mike said...

I love Ballmer's iPhone comments. He really is perplexed. By the time MS figures out how to marry the Zune to a cell phone Apple and Google will have redefined the product [again], and I suspect MS will be unable to cope [again].

At 5:31 PM , Blogger Okie said...

lol...great post.

I'm not really looking forward to W7. I'm hopeful that it runs better and is less bloated than Vista, but my expectations aren't high. I'm still sticking with XP for my PC needs at least until SP1. We're probably getting one at work for config testing, so we'll see how it pans out.

But yes, MS has lost it...


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