Thursday, November 20, 2008

Conspiracy Theory - Gas Prices

Anyone else out there suspicious of gas prices lately? I got to thinking about it and went out to check the data.
Sure enough, the last time gas was this cheap was 4 years ago.
My conspiracy theory for what it is worth is that the liberal/democraps/Obamaites were so upset that Bush got re-elected that they came up with this brilliant strategy. Force oil prices gradually higher over the next four years. Make it just painful enough that they could easily elect anyone they threw in the ring. The people would vote for him/her just to have the chance at a "change" from the last 4 years. High gas prices etc. They could even through an ultra-liberal, African American with zero experience in for the nomination. They had to make it look good so they did this over 4 years and then had a woman run against their pick and barely lose. They didn't want anybody to ask questions if they made it look too easy.
And, the final kicker to this theory? One of the largest centers for trading in Oil futures? The Chicago Board of Trade. Obama's home town.
So, yah, now the election is over, gas prices drop precipitously. Guess who is going to claim responsibility for this? Just watch.


At 3:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

DOOD! You have uncovered a massive conspiracy! I'm surprised that the Liberals aren't pushing the prices up even higher though -- I think that Obama will need high gas prices to push the Green movement. I think they'll go back up. :(

At 8:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah. What I've been saying. . . There's been something verry stinky in the woodshed for many years, nay, decades. If it's ever uncovered/revealed will put a new meaning to the word conspiracy.

At 8:59 AM , Blogger R. Jeffrey Davis said...

I don't think BO has had anything to do with gas prices.


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