YES on Prop 8
I've been pretty quiet lately. The reason is that everything I have wanted to say recently falls directly in the "controversial bucket" of Current Events. I have felt it better to say nothing rather than to say something and possibly regret it later. Those of you who know me know that I am a passionate person and I can come across strong at times. Well, maybe all the time.
There is one topic that has been in the "controversy bucket" lately that I feel strongly about and just cannot keep quiet about it any longer. You can tell easily from the title of this post where I am going.
Rather than type a big long diatribe and possibly say things that would offend or otherwise make me regret posting I am going to link to a statement that perfectly expresses my feelings and beliefs.
It is titled, "The Divine Institution of Marriage" and was written and published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am a member of this church. I hope you take the time to read it.
The Divine Institution of Marriage
Nicely put and I couldn't agree with you more.
I voted YES on this prop, but I have to tell you it's an issue I struggle with. I like the Church's position in that this is strictly a defense of marriage - not an anti-gay movement. I have no problem with a same sex couple living together with all of the financial, personal and property rights of a married couple. The adoption of children is another matter, yet I think of the many kids physically and emotionally withering away in foster or home care. Sick, even terminally ill kids who we will allow to die in the system rather than allow two men or two women to give them a loving home. I have to think God would smile upon this family just as he does mine.
I also have a problem with the minority always clamoring to destroy the traditions of the majority simply under the banner of "fairness". As we enter into the Christmas season we will be assaulted with claims that this tradition celebrated by over 90% of the U.S. is unfair to the God-less. To claim that a display on public property in celebration of Christ is somehow offensive in a Christian nation is silly.
The most ironic thing of all is how intolerant the other side is on this issue. Mormons are targeted not just because of the Church's backing of this issue, but because they are a HUGE target for religious bigots. If this were not the case they would be taking their protest to the African American and Hispanic communities who overwhelmingly voted YES on 8. It is typical of the Left to consider opposition to their point of view to be intolerant and therefore allows them to fight back with any means necessary... even terrorism.
Sorry... longest comment ever?
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