A little help
HERE is a new offering from the Motion Picture Association of America, the MPAA. They have a new service called, wait for it, 'Red Carpet Ratings'. If you sign up by clicking on the link above you will receive an email each week that lists the MPAA ratings for the films released that week.
Even though I usually already know the ratings of the films being released each week, I do like that they are making an effort to help parents and others to know the content of the films they are thinking about seeing.
Personally, I hope that this effort will morph into something richer and deeper than a static email with ratings in a list. I hope they can give some in depth information like you might find at SCREENIT.COM. Maybe someday they can alter the ratings to more correctly reflect the content in the films. Like how some PG13 films are much more offensive and objectionable than some R rated films. There is a problem there I think. Maybe they can take some clues from what the ESRB is 'trying' to do with video game ratings. They still have quite a ways to go but at least they are making an effort. The MPAA should be moving in that direction as well.
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