Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What you don't see

You won't see this on TV. You won't see this in the pages of the New York Times. You won't see this on the CBS Evening News.

This is about a young man that gave his life fighting for Liberty. Not just for his own but unselfishly for 50 million people he had never met before and had no blood relation to. It's sad that this has happened. He 'lost' his life in Iraq. He 'gave' his life for freedom. Our liberal left wing Brothers and Sisters don't want this to ever happen. They are blind to the fact that there are people out there like Saddam Hussein who will never sit down and 'talk' about the bad things they are doing. People like Osama Bin Laden that will never use 'diplomacy' to resolve their differences. Unfortunately violence is sometimes necessary to protect liberty and a certain way of life. I think there were a group of men and women who lived in our 'vicinity' in 1776 that realized they had to resort to violence to claim their life, their liberty, their pursuit of happiness. At the time there wasn't another 'superpower' around that could do it for them. We have a right because of what we have been given to help others obtain what we have. The media doesn't see it this way. That is why you will never see the deep respect that the average American really has for giving one's life for the pursuit of liberty shown by the mainstream media. Whether it be here or on foreign soil. They don't want you to understand that most of us really feel the same way and support these actions. They would like you to think otherwise and they use their power to deceive and mislead.
I pray each day that another young man or woman will not have to give their life. That they can all come home. However, until the evil and conspiring men both here and in Iraq and elsewhere are quieted or killed this sacrifice will be necessary.


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