Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Send PETA to Iraq

Terrorism has gone to the dogs. Literally. The 'insurgency' in Iraq has turned to using canines to carry their 'suicide' bombs. They strap some explosives on Fido and say "fetch" in some Arabic dialect and then they remotely detonate the bomb. Nice huh? I have a solution to this. The PETA folks should be outraged by this. Let's get em on a plane and send em over to protest. What do you think? Could be interesting.
Oh, and here is the line from the linked article that really got me going. "Our religion does not permit us to hurt animals," said Abdel Salam Kubaisi, a spokesman for the Muslim Scholars Assn. So, evidently their religion is against hurting Rover but innocent men, women and children are fair game. Idiots. Now, I know some of you 'anonymous' people out there will be thinking hey that's not true it's only a fringe extremist element that are the bad guys and they don't represent the Islamic world in general. Woh. I hate that argument because if that were true then the main stream Islamic leaders would be coming out in force to debunk this 'lunatic fringe' but here's the reality, they aren't. For the most part they are silent about it. When it comes to murder and terrorism silence is agreement in my book.


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