Healing Field 9-11
In light of the 5th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9-11-01 we took a family trip to a Healing Field. It is a display of flags set up in a local open space. Each flag represents one of the victims who died on 9-11. There are over 2500 flags. It was sobering...there were tears...lots of em. We didn't expect the emotion that would come. It came and I'm glad for the reminder of what I felt 5 years ago. Even our dear dear Shelby was beside herself. "I didn't think they killed so many people." she said. "Oooh, it makes me so mad, so very very mad, those evil people, they are just evil, why did they have to do this?" And the tears kept flowing...
Here are some pics from our trip. If you want to find a healing field to visit click on the link above and search for one near you. Make plans and go, you will not regret it. It is the very least we can do to remember and give to those who had their lives taken away and to those who gave their lives trying to save others on that day.
This picture is a 'stitched together' panorama to try and give you an idea of the size of the field. It's not the greatest vantage point but there weren't any 'higher ground' points from which to shoot.
Excellent pictures Kevin. Thanks for sharing.
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